
Bargonetti Lab Advances in Breast Cancer Reseach

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Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Tissue Architecture via the Mevalonate Pathway

Many triple negative breast cancers have mutant p53 that appears as a biomarker. In order to see if mutant p53 was a driving factor in the tumor formation pathway the Bargonetti team made recombinant human cancer cell line clones to get rid of this biomarker in breast cancer cells. The first set of such clones with inducible knockdown of mutant?p53 was reported in the prestigious journal Cell on January 20th 2012 as part of a collaborative study with Carol Prives at Columbia University. The study is entitled Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Tissue Architecture via the Mevalonate Pathway. This study links the biomarker of mutant p53 with aggressive breast cancer substructures and increased cholesterol production. Funding from The Breast Cancer Research Foundation to Jill Bargonetti contributed to this important study. Reference:?Mutant p53 Disrupts Mammary Tissue Architecture via the Mevalonate Pathway.?Cell, doi.10.1016/j.cell.2011.12.017


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 January 2015 14:21 )