
Melendez Lab Photo selected as Image of the Week by Cell Image Library

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Melendez Lab Photo Selected as Image of the Week by the Cell Image Library

A picture from the lab of Carmen Melendez taken by her PhD student: Tomas Rusielewicz has been selected as Image of the Week by the Cell Image Library of the American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)- see link:

This fluorescent micrograph is part of an image group displaying the morphological changes associated with a developing oligodendrocyte. The progression of images starts with CIL:40358 where cells display a relatively bipolar morphology to CIL:40359 where the actin cytoskeleton becomes very prominent to CIL:40360 where the actin coalesces and interlinks and finally there is CIL:40361 where one can observe the formation of a flattened lamellar structure which in vitro mimics the myelin sheet

This is public repository of cell images for the public domain - if you have a Facebook account you can check the page of the ASCB where they publish the Image of the Week


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 14 March 2012 09:34 )