Jill Bargonetti's lab has done extensive research on the p53 protein, which assists in the suppression of tumor cell growth. Over the summer the lab had two papers accepted in leading journals in the field
- Differential toxicity of DNA adducts of mitomycin C. Bargonetti J, Champeil E, Tomasz M. J Nucleic Acids. 2010 Jul 29;2010. pii: 698960.
http://www.sage-hindawi.com/journals/jna/2010/698960.html - DNA adducts of decarbamoyl mitomycin C efficiently kill cells without wild-type p53 resulting from proteasome-mediated degradation of checkpoint protein Boamah EK, Brekman A, Tomasz M, Myeku N, Figueiredo-Pereira M, Hunter S, Meyer J, Bhosle RC, Bargonetti J. Chem Res Toxicol. 2010 Jul 19;23(7):1151-62.
In addition One of her graduate students from the Biochemistry program, Angelika Brekman, successfully defended her PhD thesis in September of 2010. Her first author manuscript is currently in revision for the Journal: Breast Cancer Research A p53-independent role of Mdm2 in estrogen-mediated activation of breast cancer cell proliferation. Angelika Brekman, Kathryn E. Singh, Alla Polotskaia and Jill Bargonetti